Health Provider Checklist for Adolescent and Young Adult Males

Mental Health

Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders


Fusar-Poli, P., Bonoldi,.I Yung, A.R., et al. Predicting PsychosisMeta-analysis of Transition Outcomes in Individuals at High Clinical Risk. JAMA Psy. 2012. 

 Book Review: McGlashan, T.H., Walsh, B.C., Woods, S.W., The Psychosis-Risk Syndrome: Handbook for Diagnosis and Follow-up. Psychiatric Services. 2012.

Hafner, H. and Maurer, K., Early detection of schizophrenia: current evidence and future perspectives.World Psychiatry. 2008.

Young, T.M. The Big-Seven Early Markers For Childhood-Onset Psychosis Spectrum DisordersGuilford Early Psychosis Intervention Program. 2008.

Cannon, T.D., Cadenhead, K., Cornblatt, B., et al Prediction of Psychosis in Youth at High Clinical Risk: A Multisite Longitudinal Study in North America Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008.

Weiser M, Reichenberg A, Werbeloff N, Kravitz E, Halperin D, Lubin G, Shmushkevitch M, Yoffe R, Addington J, Davidson M. Self-report of family functioning and risk for psychotic disorders in male adolescents with behavioural disturbances. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2008

Marshall M, Rathbone J.  Early intervention for psychosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2006.

Weiser M, Reichenberg A, Rabinowitz J, Kaplan Z, Mark M, Bodner E, Nahon D, Davidson M. Association between nonpsychotic psychiatric diagnoses in adolescent males and subsequent onset of schizophreniaArch Gen Psychiatry. 2001.

Davidson M, Reichenberg A, Rabinowitz J, Weiser M, Kaplan Z, Mark M. Behavioral and intellectual markers for schizophrenia in apparently healthy male adolescents. Am J Psychiatry. 1999.

Van der Graaff J, Branje S, De Wied M, Hawk S, Van Lier P, Meeus W. Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern in Adolescence: Gender Differences in Developmental ChangesDevelopmental Psychology, Sep 16 , 2013,

Neinstein LS. The New Adolescents: An Analysis of Health Conditions, Behaviors, Risks, and Access to Services Among Emerging Young Adults, 2013.

Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People: Progress and Possibilities. Institute of Medicine, 12 March 2009.